Saturday, November 14, 2009


Hey everyone! Things are going great out here at Bible School. We are just starting week 9 which is crazy. I can't believe how fast time flies. We have had some awesome lectures and fun times. I am in an outreach group that sings in the hospital and also in local churches. We are doing a service tomorrow in which I am sharing my testimony. I am just going to share it with you as well.

'My name is Esther Reimer and I am from Manitoba, Canada. Growing up my Mom was a great Christian influence in my life and as a result I accepted Jesus Christ into my life at a young age. I really recognized my need for Jesus Christ when I decided to live my life centered on him, which he continually gives me strength to do. Through him I have found purpose for my life, my life is not meaningless but centered on my relationship with Him, His love for me and the plans that He has for me, which in Jeremiah 29:11 it shows his plans are to prosper me, not harm me and to give me hope and a future.

God has really shown his love for me this past year when within the same week my close friend, who was my mentor died, and my nephew was stillborn. During this time of pain I called out to God to comfort me and I felt him comfort me. I could actually physically feel arms wrap around me and comfort me even though there was no one else in the room. But even when I don’t physically feel Him beside me, I know that I can trust God to always be there for me, to strengthen me and give me comfort.

I came to Tauernhof to learn more about God and to spend time focusing on God without my busy schedule of university, work and friends but mainly with the hope of being able to figure out what God wants me to do with my life. While here God has used this time to show me how spending personal time each day with Him, fills me with His Spirit and reminds me to look towards Him for all my needs and that I do not need to look towards anyone else or to anything else in order to fulfill my life and that with all things I should do them to glorify God.

I am excited to go home and take all the things that God has been teaching me here and to share it with others. I want people to look at me and see the joy that God gives me and ask how they too can receive that joy. '

I hope that this gives you a bit of insight into how I am doing and what God has been doing in my lately.